COMPOSYST at the JEC 2023 in Paris

Messestand beim JEC 2023. Seitenansicht auf den Stand.
Messestand auf der JEC 2023.

JEC World in Paris is THE global trade show for composite materials and their applications. It is the industry’s leading event, hosting all the major players in a spirit of innovation, business, and networking. So of course COMPOSYST is also on site and presenting many interesting products: well-tried and well-known auxiliaries, as well as new material in well-known quality.

We also present the Lifesaver from Corpuls: the Reanimation board SCOOPBOARD for use with a scoop stretcher or vacuum mattress is the lightest corpuls board for the preclinical area.
The board produced by COMPOSYST not only saves weight with optimal stiffness, but is also X-ray transparent due to the carbon fiber composite material.

Visit our booth Q30 in hall 5 until April 27th, 2023 – we look forward to it!

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Ganzer Stand auf der JEC 2023 von Composyst, Topaz, VAP. Mehrere Personen stehen auf und an dem Stand im Gespräch.
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Messestand JEC 2023. Geschäftsführer Stefan Utecht im Gespräch mit einem weiteren Mann. Zwischen ihnen stehen mehrere Ausstellungsstücke
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Außenansicht Messestand JEC 2023